Search Engine Optimization

What Is SEO?

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is a form of technical writing for the web that improves your web site’s ranking on the search engines.

Step 1: Select Relevant Keywords

The first step in Search Engine Optimization is the selection of keywords that are relevant to your product or service.

This selection of relevant keywords cannot be automated.

Keywords are selected based on three criteria:

High monthly search volume.
Low web site competition.
High search engine relevance.

We use subscription tools to find and select keywords for your business that have the highest number of searches and the lowest competition.

Step 2: Verify Search Engine Results

Once we have generated your keyword list, each keyword needs to be manually checked to verify that it returns the intended Search Engine results.

For example, the word “desert” demonstrates the problem of relevant keyword selection. Desert can mean a dry region, or desert can mean the act of running away. If the goal of the web site is to discuss people who desert the army, search results about the Sahara desert would irrelevant.

Step 3: Integrate Keywords into Your Site

Once we have selected keywords for your business, we use these words to optimize every aspect of your web site.

Our optimization includes the parts of the site that your customers will read, including your site content. It also includes the parts of your site written specifically for Google and the other search engines.

Step 4: Produce Effective Online Marketing and
Web Page Copywriting

We are professional writers, with skills in both marketing and technical writing. We deliver attractive sites with well-written content.

We are also skilled researchers, providing the kind of informative content that the search engines value as the most relevant content on the web.

Our Search Engine Optimized web sites climb to the top of Google and the other search engines with no monthly fees.

SEO Portfolio

Autism Support

National Presence

Alexander Technique Guide

Career Advancement

Leadership Business Coaching

Leader Business Coaching

Corporate Identity

Social Skills Games

Social Skills Games

Market Positioning

Kangen Water Alkaline Water

Kangen Water

Regional Marketing

Emergency Food Supply

Emergency Food Supply

Market Identification

Social Skills Lessons

Social Skills Lessons

Grant Writing

Business Services

SEO Services

Projects by Referral

After having built Search Engine Optimized web sites for more than five years, we have made the decision that we will only be accepting new customer projects by referral.